2018 ABC Day, A Success!

The 10th Annual All Bethel Community Day took place on Saturday, October 6th at Bethel High School. Over 8,000 participants came to join a fun, community-wide event. Sponsors of 2018: Boeing Company, Bethel School District, Umpqua, Bank, Bethel Community Services, Bethel Area Council of PTAs, Central Pierce Fire & Rescue. 2018 ABC Day Video
More pictures & videos: ABC Day Facebook Page
ABC Day was established in 2009 to give Bethel students and community members a venue to showcase their talents, to honor our local military service members, and to connect families with school, business, and community resources. It is a day to give citizens the opportunity to celebrate the Bethel community! In addition to great food and entertainment, event goers enjoy military vehicles, a petting zoo, miniature horses, LeMay classic vehicles, Seattle Seahawks’ Blitz, Marvel Comic’s Super Heroes, a children’s costume parade, a Bike-a-thon, free bike helmets, rides with Country Wagon Ranch, and a real fire engine for children’s exploration.
Join us at Graham-Kapowsin High School on October 5th, 2019 for the 11th Annual ABC Day!
- Jay Brower, Director of Community Connections: jbrower@bethelsd.org | 253-683-6052
- Donna Saling, Event Organizer, donnasaling@comcast.net | 253-686-7724
- Sandy McDaniel, Event Organizer: sandymcdaniel@umpquabank.com | 253-926-4537